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Echoes of Justice.

In shadows deep, where pain resides,

The wounded hearts, their tears collide.

Let justice rise, a beacon bright,

To heal the scars, to set things right.

Perpetrators tremble, conscience stirred,

Their deeds laid bare, their lies unheard.

No cloak of power can shield their shame,

For truth prevails, and justice claims its name.

Across the globe, a resolute plea,

That no one bends to tyranny's decree.

Let humanity stand tall, unyielding,

Against the darkness, our resolve revealing.

Generations yet unborn shall know,

This message echoes, relentless flow:

Impunity shattered, values restored,

Justice prevails, forevermore.

By Malik Mukhtar 

Also published in comment section of NYTimes. 


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