""Bank Indonesia is confident that the National LCT Task Force will be an effective coordination forum to strengthen policy synergy between government ministries and agencies in an effort to increase the use of local currencies in bilateral transactions between Indonesia and major trading partners," Governor of Bank Indonesia, Perry Warjiyo said in a press release."
"Indonesia's move is the latest among a series of actions by nations from China to Russia and India to to move away from the dollar in global transactions, a movement that's come to be called de-dollarization. Beijing and New Delhi have initiated trade arrangements to be settled in their respective currencies, while the BRICS bloc has been looking at the possibility of a shared tender.
Indonesia's move is the latest among a series of actions by nations from China to Russia and India to to move away from the dollar in global transactions, a movement that's come to be called de-dollarization. Beijing and New Delhi have initiated trade arrangements to be settled in their respective currencies, while the BRICS bloc has been looking at the possibility of a shared tender.
De-dollarization is an "irreversible process" that's gaining momentum, Russian president Vladimir Putin said in a video address at the BRICS summit last month."
"Indonesia's move is the latest among a series of actions by nations from China to Russia and India to to move away from the dollar in global transactions, a movement that's come to be called de-dollarization. Beijing and New Delhi have initiated trade arrangements to be settled in their respective currencies, while the BRICS bloc has been looking at the possibility of a shared tender.
Indonesia's move is the latest among a series of actions by nations from China to Russia and India to to move away from the dollar in global transactions, a movement that's come to be called de-dollarization. Beijing and New Delhi have initiated trade arrangements to be settled in their respective currencies, while the BRICS bloc has been looking at the possibility of a shared tender.
De-dollarization is an "irreversible process" that's gaining momentum, Russian president Vladimir Putin said in a video address at the BRICS summit last month."