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Showing posts from February, 2011

Rule people by Tricks not by Righteous Principles

In the feudal state of Chu an old man survived by keeping monkeys in his service. The people of Chu called him “ju gong” (monkey master).Each morning, the old man would assemble the monkeys in his courtyard, and order the eldest one to lead the others to the mountains to gather fruits from bushes and trees.It was the rule that each monkey had to give one-tenth of his collection to the old man. Those who failed to do so would be ruthlessly flogged. All the monkeys suffered bitterly, but dared not complain. One day, a small monkey asked the other monkeys: “Did the old man plant all the fruit trees and bushes?” The others said: “No, they grew naturally.” The small monkey further asked: “Can’t we take the fruits without the old man’s permission?” The others replied: “Yes, we all can.”The small monkey continued: “Then, why should we depend on the old man; why must we all serve him?” Before the small monkey was able to finish his statement,all the monkeys suddenly became enlightened and awak

Suez Canal

Where is the Suez Canal located? We learnt about the Panama Canal which is important for all types of ships. Another important man-made marvel, which holds a key position in the history is The "Suez Canal". It is located on the north of Africa, south-east of Europe. It connects the Mediterranean sea and the Red sea. Port Said is located on the Mediterranean sea & Port Suez is located on the Red sea. The picture shows the view of Suez canal from the East. At the bottom we can witness the Red sea with Port Suez at the mouth of the canal. The canal is 192 Kms long extends till Port Said at the other end of the canal, leading into the Mediterranean sea. SuezCanal History & Importance of the Canal The construction of the canal dates back to 18th century. In middle on 18th century, French Engineer, Ferdinand de Lesseps, formed a company "Suez canal company" to carry out the construction of the canal. Due to various political, technical, financial & geographic

Bravo Egyptians who demand Freedom, prosperity

The power elite was in full swing. AS usual full, unshaken trust at "system" How so suddenly it happen? Socio economic division was rapidly increasing. The poor becomes poorer. Large number of Egyptians find it hard to fulfill the basic necessities of life. The corruption was increasing. So there was something that was preparing with the passage of time while power elite perhaps was not ready for it or unshaken trust at "system". Indeed it was mega event, a turning point in middle east, now, just now the Jordan Government sacks cabinet...............................................